#1 Cloud-Based Requirements Management Software

Add Requirements Easily

Create requirements in just a few clicks – from any computer, using just a web browser…

How It Works > Add Requirements Easily

Adding requirements is simple and incredibly easy with Accompa. Add them right from your web browser, using any computer – as there is nothing to install.

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Rich Text Editor (RTE)

Create requirements using the built-in, powerful rich text editor. RTE enables you to add bullets, lists, tables, and inline images to document your requirements. It also includes intelligent spell-check that learns your organization’s vocabulary.

Custom Fields

Create custom fields and use them to track all requirement attributes needed for your organization & market. Choose from 12 different types of built-in field types (such as: text fields, picklists, numbers, rich text, etc.). Create and manage custom fields right from your web browser – change them at any time.

Import Wizard

Do you manage your requirements using another tool, or Excel? Now you can easily import your requirements into Accompa – in just a few clicks. For more complex needs, we also offer a web-service API and pre-built integration to popular tools.


Add documents (Word, PPT, PDF, etc.) and images (flowcharts, mockups, etc.) to each requirement – it is as easy as point-and-click. Add notes and tags to each attachment too. When you perform a search in Accompa – the content of popular attachment formats such as Word, PPT, and PDF are automatically searched.

ROI Scores – Prioritize Systematically

Prioritize requirements systematically & consistently – using ROI Score. Define custom criteria to calculate ROI (“Return on Investment”) of each major requirement/feature. Identify the best areas to focus your resources on.

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