If you’ve spent some time on our website, you’ve likely seen the monkey in some of our pages. Are you wondering who the monkey is? He is Astro – our company mascot. Read on for more details…
Astro says “Hello!”
Astro is a space monkey.
His goal is to eliminate all the monkey business involved in managing requirements so that companies can build more successful products. Through this goal, Astro wants to make the technology on earth as good as that in his home planet!
In case you’re wondering where he is from (that would make you a geek, we think!) – his home planet is Cerulaan, on the far side of the Milky Way galaxy. Yeah, we’re geeks too, totally! 🙂
So, you like Astro? See whether Accompa can help your team eliminate the monkey business involved in managing requirements – check out our 30-day FREE trial…